ISPE Endorsed Manuscripts
Full information on endorsement of documents as ISPE Public Policy can be found in ISPE’s Policy Manual
ISPE Funded Manuscripts click here
ISPE Endorsed Manuscript Process
- Any authorship group looking to have a manuscript endorsed should complete the following form
ISPE Manuscript Endorsement Request Registration Form
- The manuscript will be received by the Public Policy Committee who will review the document and provide comments. Please allow one-week for this review
- Once the authorship group addresses the comments from the Public Policy Committee, they should submit the updated manuscript and respond to the comments back to the committee at
- The Public Policy Committee will review the response and confirm it is ready for ISPE membership review.
- The manuscript will be distributed for public comment. Please allow three-weeks for this review.
- After the public comment review period is over, the manuscript will be returned to the authorship group for updates.
- Once the authorship group addresses the comments from the public comment review, they should submit the updated manuscript and response to the comments back to the committee at
- The Public Policy Committee will review and send to the ISPE Board for review. Please allow two-weeks for this review
- The authorship group will be notified of the response. If approved, then the manuscript can be submitted to a journal. Once the work has been published, the authorship group is responsible for notifying the Publications and Communications Committee by email at
