
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (PDS)

Official Journal of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology

PDS has established itself as the only truly focused international forum for papers on the expanding science and practice of pharmacoepidemiology, addressing issues on the safety, efficacy, proper use of and quality of prescription medicines. It also covers questions of data assembly and processing, the maintenance of large databases and their use of computerised dictionaries, the vexed questions of data privacy and confidentiality, and the increasing demand for studies of relative efficacy, effectiveness and cost effectiveness, and quality-of-life studies.

PDS is the official journal of ISPE; PDS is a MEDLINE and ISI listed journal. ISPE members receive online access to PDS as a member benefit.

PDS now contains some new and special features, in addition to the full-length primary research papers.

  • Fast-track Publication for selected articles and early reports. The journal can now publish a peer-reviewed manuscript as early as 12 weeks from receipt, after granting full clinical, scientific, and statistical review.
  • Current Awareness Service in each issue containing a bibliography of newly published material in the field of pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety.
  • Annual Supplement containing highlights from International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management.
  • New Editorial Features include structured abstracts and take home points for each paper.
  • Guest editorials, commentaries and invited reviews encompassing scientific, medical, statistical and legal aspects of pharmacoepidemiology and post-marketing surveillance of drug safety.

Particular Areas of Interest Include:

  • design, results, analysis and interpretation of post-marketing surveillance and other studies looking at specific drugs, populations and outcomes;
  • methods for detection and evaluation of drug-associated adverse events;
  • assessments of risk and benefit in drug therapy;
  • patterns of drug utilization;
  • relationships between pharmacoepidemiology and the formulation and interpretation of regulatory guidelines;
  • risk management plans and programmes relating to pharmaceuticals, biologics and medical devices.

For more information, click here.

For instructions for authors and submission guidelines, click here.

Annual Call for PDS Editorial Board Candidates

Each year, ISPE invites applications from candidates to serve on the Editorial Board of Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety (PDS), the Society's official journal. The Publications & Communications Committee leads the recruitment of suitable candidates, with appointed representatives starting in the role from January 1 of each year for a 3-year term (renewable for a second 3-year term).

Candidates may apply for this role when ISPE's annual call for volunteers opens in July. The application process requires you to upload a current CV and submit comments indicating your interest in the role, any prior editorial experience, and areas of interest/expertise in the field of pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. Applications are only accepted using the online form and applications submitted by other means are not accepted.

Successful candidates are added to the editorial board list on the PDS website and identified as ISPE representatives for the duration of term of service. ISPE membership must be maintained throughout the term of service; cessation of ISPE membership will result in the automatic conclusion of editorial board term service.

The major responsibilities of an editor include:

  • Refereeing articles: the expectation is to review up to three articles per year in a timely manner.
  • Soliciting manuscripts: as competition for manuscripts is intense, editors are encouraged to not only submit their own work but to also encourage others to submit.
  • Ambassadors to the Journal: when attending conferences or meetings, promotional material will be provided on request. Presentations considered of interest to the ISPE membership should be encouraged to be submitted to the journal by the editor.
  • ISPE Annual Meeting: if you attend ICPE, you are expected to attend the Editorial Board meeting.

To apply, please respond to the annual call for volunteers issued in July.