


Sept. 1, 1994

The name of the organization shall be the "European Drug Utilization Research Group", herein after called the EURO DURG. The location of the EURO DURG will be at the secretariat of that time.

Drug utilization and pharmaco-epidemiological research is defined as research on the quantitative and qualitative aspects and the determinance of drug use, the determinants and the effects on specific patients specifically and on the population in general.

The EURO DURG has as its mission "to promote drug utilization research as a means to improved use of drugs by providing an international forum for communication and cooperation between people interested in drug utilization research".
To achieve its mission, the EURO DURG may:

a) encourage communication and cooperation between scientists in multidisciplines interested in researching drug utilization and pharmaco-epidemiology;
b) work toward the adoption of standard international and national drug use research methodology;
c) maximize the potential of the information available on drug utilization for improving patient care;
d) cooperate with international and national drug regulatory authorities, such as the World Health Organization and the European Union, European Council, health insurance agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, academic departments and professional bodies in furthering drug utilization research and its application; and
e) promote the incorporation of drug utilization research and its applications within educational programmes.


The EURO DURG accepts ordinary members, associate members and honorary members.

  • Ordinary membership
    Ordinary membership of the EURO DURG is open to European residents with an active or developing involvement in drug utilization research. Legally constituted national organizations within Europe with a mission in accordance with that of the EURO DURG have collective membership of the EURO DURG.
  • Associated membership
    EURO DURG may accept researchers with active involvement in drug utilization research from outside Europe as associate members.
  • Honorary membership
    EURO DURG may award the title of Honorary member to persons who have given exceptional service to EURO DURG.

From time to time, the membership fee shall be fixed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the EURO DURG at a General Assembly. EURO DURG gets individual fees for individuals and collective fees for members of national organizations. This fee shall be payable on January 1 each year. Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed if the payment is more than 12 months in arrears.

The General Assembly may exclude members who do not honour their financial obligations, or who prove unworthy of membership. Members who fail to pay their membership fees, following a proper demand, or who prove unworthy of membership may be excluded from membership from a date to be set by the Executive Committee.

The organs of the EURO DURG are the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, and the Nominating Committee.

The General Assembly comprises the members of the executive Committee, and all ordinary members.

Functions of the General Assembly:

it appoints the Chair and 10 members of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall be elected in such a manner as to ensure that

a) the major scientific disciplines are represented; and

b) There is not more than one representative (does not apply to the chairperson) from each country serving on the committee.

it appoints 3 members of the Nominating Committee.

it takes all decisions relating to the scientific policy of the EURO DURG;

it receives proposals of general interest from members of the EURO DURG;

it discusses and adopts the financial report and fixes the rate of the membership fee;

it elects Honorary members;

it modifies the constitution of the EURO DURG, and such modifications must obtain at least half of the country delegates plus one in favour of these modifications;

and it decides on the dissolution of the EURO DURG.

Voting rights
All decisions are taken according to the principle 'one country one vote'. The casting vote of the Chair shall be decisive in the absence of a clear majority of voting national representatives.

Appointment of national voting representatives
Members from one country appoint their representative and make this known to the chair at the start of the General Assembly. Each representative of a country may delegate her/his vote to another member by writing.

Decisions are taken by simple majority vote.

Organisation of the General Assembly
The Secretary despatches the agenda for the General Assembly, accompanied by the reports pertaining to it, to the members of the General Assembly at least one month prior to the meeting. Any proposal intended for the General Assembly agenda must reach the Secretary two months prior to the date of the meeting. Members of the General Assembly may enter a plea of urgency for a proposal not included in the agenda.

The General Assembly shall decide on whether or not a discussion of the item is appropriate. Members of the General Assembly shall receive a report containing the text of all decisions taken. The General Assembly meets every two years, if possible in conjunction with a scientific meeting. The Executive Committee or a majority of members may also convene such a meeting.

The Executive Committee comprises the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Secretary, the Scientific Secretary, the Treasurer and six Members at Large.

The term of elected office shall be two years.

Functions of the Executive Committee include:

it carries out the general and financial business of the EURO DURG subject to the decisions of the General Assembly;

it may co-opt up to five additional, non-voting members for a term expiring not later than the following General Assembly. Co-option may be used to replace members who can no longer function or to bring special expertise into the Committee for specific purposes;

it may fill mid-term officer vacancy from existing Committee members;

in urgent circumstances, the officers may act on behalf of the Committee, and they shall report on such activities to the next meetings of the Committee and of the General Assembly;

it shall initiate and oversee scientific meetings in collaboration with a local organising committee.


Elections of the executive committee are prepared by a Nominating Committee, existing of the past chair and two other EURO DURG members. No member seeking election or re-election can be a member of the Nominating Committee. Candidates can be proposed by countries or individual members. The election shall be by secret ballot.

The Executive Committee shall be elected at the General Assembly by members present at that meeting on the basis of 'one country one vote'. Elected members will hold a two year term in a rotating Executive Committee membership. Members who have served in one of the following offices (chair, vice-chair or scientific secretary) for two consecutive terms, i.e. four years, shall not be eligible for re-election in the office they have held, for the following two terms, i.e. four years. No person shall hold more than one office simultaneously.

The Committee shall send the annual financial report including the audited statements on the affairs and conduct of business of the EURO DURG to all members before every General Assembly.


EURO DURG Constitution was approved as draft at the EURO DURG meeting held in Huddinge (Sweden), September 1st, 1994 and accepted by the General Assembly on June 30, 1996, at the EURO DURG 1st Congress, Lake Balaton, Hungary.

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