

ISPE’s Committees are responsible for running the organizations programs, projects and special initiatives as well as overseeing the general operations of the organization. Several of these committees have restricted membership, while others are open to the entire membership.


Mission Statement

The Archives and History Committee will:

  • identify, codify, and preserve to archival standard, materials and artifacts of historical importance for ISPE, and
  • compile, document and advance understanding and appreciation of materials which portray the history of ISPE and the field of Pharmacoepidemiology

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Chair Hugh Tilson, FISPE
Vice Chair Eileen Ming, FISPE

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee is to monitor the implementation of existing bylaws and policies; to make changes to the bylaws and the policy handbook as instructed by the Board; to flag areas where changes to the bylaws and policies are needed; to make bylaws and policies available to Board, committees and membership. Membership of the Committee is by Board appointment only. Due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed by the committee there is no public community page.

Committee Leaders

Co-Chair Stella Blackburn, FISPE
Co-Chair Frank May, FISPE

Mission Statement

The mission of the Development Committee is to develop, propose and, under direction from the Board implement, along with others in ISPE leadership, strategies and tactics to ensure the long-range fiscal integrity of ISPE.


  • Raise funds for Mid-Year meetings
  • Raise funds for annual meetings
  • Develop other funding strategies

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets annually at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair; usually once or twice between September and December, and monthly February-July.

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Chair Nick Everage
Vice Chair Taichi Ochi

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Education Committee is to provide leadership in pharmacoepidemiology education at all levels of training and expertise. Areas of endeavor include: the planning, organization, and evaluation of educational events, including the Introductory Course offered at the annual meeting; review of ongoing training programs; and evaluation of educational needs of ISPE members.


  • Organization of pre-conference courses at the annual and the mid-year meeting
  • Support of educational activities at scientific meetings with ISPE involvement
  • Development and support of educational activities within ISPE (e.g. webinars)

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets annually at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair, approximately at two month intervals (more frequently during planning of annual meeting pre-conference courses).

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Chair Jenny Sun, FISPE
Vice Chair Kate Bykov

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

Mission Statement

The Finance Committee supports the Vice President/Finance in being the fiscal conscience of the Society. The committee: (1) ensures short and long-term financial planning and develops financial policies for the Board's approval; (2) oversees development and implementation of the budget; (3) monitors all financial transactions including investments and reserve funds; and (4) provides accountability to the Board and the Society according to the bylaws and policies and according to accepted business practices.

The Audit Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is appointed annually from sitting members of the committee.

The committee is chaired by the current Vice President/Finance. There are no established terms of service; members may serve as long as they are interested. Due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed by the committee there is no public community page.

Chair Jennifer Christian, FISPE
Vice Chair Jennifer Christian, FISPE

Mission Statement

The mission of the Global Development Committee includes the delivery of developmental support for internationally applicable educational and research programs, and the provision of assistance in such endeavors in those areas of the world where Pharmacoepidemiology expertise is yet to be fully established.


  • To support the regional pharmacoepidemiology activity in cooperation with ISPE members and other relevant national/international scientific bodies.
  • To develop resources (e.g., educational materials of pharmacoepidemiology) easily used in a variety of area/countries.
  • To increase the visibility of ISPE worldwide and to foster membership throughout the world.

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair.

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Chair Maribel Salas, FISPE
Vice Chair Soko Setoguchi, FISPE

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

The Management Oversight Committee provides broad oversight of the ongoing operation of the ISPE offices and the Executive Secretary, and the execution of the management contract. The committee is independent of the Executive Committee and the office. The Immediate Past President chairs the committee; the composition includes at least two committee chairs with preference for FISPEs. Due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed by the committee there is no public community page.

Chair Lisa Point, FISPE

Mission Statement

The Scientific Program Committee organizes the scientific program for the annual meeting. The committee is responsible for determining the overall structure, content, and daily schedule for the conference. The committee chair serves as the chair for the conference, and the committee is responsible for selecting the plenary speakers for the meeting. A major responsibility of the committee involves managing soliciting, reviewing, and selecting scientific abstracts for presentation, appointing one or more panels at the meeting to judge and recommend awards, and presenting awards for the best oral and poster presentations, and the Edlavitch Award. The committee is responsible for overseeing the conference expenditures in accordance with budget and granting waivers of registration fees.

Program Chairs

2024 Mid-Year (Orlando) Chair Almut Winterstein, FISPE
2024 ICPE (Berlin) Chair Andrea Margulis, FISPE
2025 ICPE (Washington, DC) Chair Jodi Segal, FISPE

Mission Statement

The mission of the Membership Committee is to promote ISPE globally in order to increase membership among scientists and others active in pharmacoepidemiology and related fields and work toward increasing awareness of the aims and activities of the organization, and nominate from time to time members and members of the public at large for special recognition, e.g., service and leadership awards.

Meeting Schedule

Typically meets every 4th Tuesday or Thursday (alternating) of the month. View previous meeting minutes on the ISPE Exchange (login required)

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, membership, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Chair Daniela Moga, FISPE
Vice Chair Anne Butler

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

The fundamental principle for the Nominating Committee is to develop and advance candidates for election to the positions of leadership for ISPE. The Nominating Committee ensures that the Board distribution approximates the membership's distribution in terms of constituency and geographic region and informs and advises the Board on the current and target Board distributions by periodically reviewing policy in this area.

The Nominating Committee consists of at least four members of the Society and is chaired by the Immediate Past President. Due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed by the committee there is no public community page.

Current members

Lisa Pont, FISPE, Immediate Past president

Caitlin Knox, FISPE

Gabriel Sanfélix-Gimeno

Waheed Adedeji

Mission Statement

The mission of the Public Policy Committee is to identify and evaluate external public policies which impact the conduct of pharmacoepidemiology research; and, to develop and maintain a body of public policy documentation which promotes sound pharmacoepidemiologic research for improving the health of the public.

  • To manage the review of documents, guidelines, policy or commentary on pharmacoepidemiology, as well as other publications prepared by ISPE members or groups, and as necessary, recommend to the Board endorsement as ISPE public policy in accordance with policy;
  • To manage ISPE’s funded manuscripts program;
  • To receive public policy statements of kindred organisations, to review them for clarity, urgency, and appropriateness to ISPE’s mission, and to arrange for their review and presentation to the Executive Committee or Board in accordance with policy;
  • To review existing public policies maintained in the ISPE Public Policy Compendium to determine whether revision, renewal or retirement is necessary; and to submit periodic reports to the Executive Committee or Board with recommendations on Public Policies for renewal or retirement, as well as where new Public Policies may be commissioned.

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair.

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

The PPC uses three year terms with elections at the annual PPC meeting during the annual meeting. The current chair and chair elect decide on topics to pursue and liaise with the Executive Committee and the PPC as necessary.

Chair Susan dosReis, FISPE
Vice Chair Mehmet Burcu

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

Mission Statement

The PCC serves as a forum on matters related to publications and communications related to ISPE. This includes liaising with the Executive Board of the journal, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, dealing with broad publication issues including but not limited to ISPE endorsement of publications (examples include pharmacoepidemiology reference papers, guidelines, etc.), and public and member information published on the ISPE website or distributed within and outside of the society.

The PCC also promotes old and new technology to connect pharmacoepidemiologic researchers and disseminate and communicate pharmacoepidemiologic research information, information about activities of interest to pharmacoepidemiologists, and any issues broadly related to public health to its members.


  • On behalf of the ISPE membership, to develop policies and procedures related to the PCC mission.
  • To provide a forum for discussion, assessment, evaluation, and comprehensive feedback and recommendations to both the ISPE Board and all members of ISPE on matters related to the PCC mission.
  • To alert members towards newly arisen developments on issues related to the PCC mission.
  • To work with other committees on shared goals.

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair.

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

The PCC uses three year terms (Chair-elect, Chair, Immediate Past Chair) with elections at the annual PCC meeting during the annual meeting. The current chair and chair elect decide on topics to pursue and liaise with the ISPE Board and the PCC as necessary. The Chair also serves as the ISPE representative to the Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Journal’s Board.

Chair Taichi Ochi
Vice Chair Linda Kalilani

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Scholarship Committee is to review and award scholarships and waiver of fees for qualifying individuals based upon agreed criteria and subject to available funds.

Due to the sensitive nature of the issues discussed by the committee there is no public community page.

Committee Members through August 2024

Chair Lisa Pont, FISPE
ISPE President
Mary Beth Ritchey, FISPE
Vice-President/Finance Jennifer Christian, FISPE
Membership Committee Chair Daniela Moga, FISPE
Global Development Committee Chair Maribel Salas, FISPE
Executive Secretary Kent Anderson

Every five years, the Committee prepares for Board consideration:

  • a review and suggestions for update of the vision and goals of the Society
  • A strategic plan and an implementation program for the ensuing five-year period based on the updated vision and goals of the Society.

Per policy, the committee consists of the following:
President-Elect: Ursula Kirchmayer, FISPE, Chair
Vice-President/Finance: Caitlin Knox (term ends 2024)
Executive Secretary: Phil Waitzman
Global Development Committee Representative: Maribel Salas, FISPE
Public Policy Committee Representative: Susan dosReis, FISPE
Publication and Communication Committee Representative: Blánaid Hicks
Appointed Board Directors: Ursula Kirchmayer, FISPE (term ends 2025); Jenny Lund, FISPE (term ends 2025)

Mission Statement

The mission of the Sustainable Committee is to provide leadership and advice for ISPE in taking part in the solution for the climate crisis to ensure ISPE’s policies and activities align with the following mission statement.

  • ISPE, the leading international organization in pharmacoepidemiology, recognizes the global climate change crisis affecting the health of humans and the planet.
  • ISPE is committed to support and promote environmental sustainability across all aspects of its operations internationally, nationally, and locally.
  • ISPE will promote sustainability through its charitable objective of training and education and provide leadership through examples, in its business and membership activities.


The initial scope of the sustainability committee is to examine the current status of ISPE’s activities, strategies and policies through a sustainability lens and develop advice to the ISPE leadership to promote sustainability across all aspects of its operations and provide leadership through examples in its business and membership activities. Also, the initial activities of our committee will include strategic planning of the scope and activities in the first 3 years in consultation with ISPE’s Board of Directors and the leaders of its other Committees, Councils, RIGs, and SIGs.

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets at the annual meeting and throughout the year at the discretion of the chair.

Please visit our ISPE Community for the latest news, upcoming meetings, documents library, connecting with committee members and leaders, and more. An account is needed to access the community.

Committee Leaders

Co-Chair Soko Setoguchi, FISPE
Co-Chair Sallie-Anne Pearson

Committee Members

Open for membership. Current members are all those listed on the Member page of the committee's Community site. There are no established terms of service; members may serve for as long as they are interested.

* By Board appointment only, or the composition is explicitly established in policy that does not permit direct volunteering.