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ISPE Fellows

The ISPE Board of Directors established the membership category ISPE Fellow to recognize and advance leadership in the Society. To be an ISPE Fellow, an individual must be an ISPE member with at least five (5) consecutive years of non-student membership, show evidence of substantial scholarship as reflected in the quality and impact of publications, have substantial, active and leadership roles in ISPE, such as board member, chair or co-chair of a committee, council, task-force, working group, or special interest group, participation in ISPE educational activities (mid-year or annual meetings, global development activities as speaker or course instructor), show evidence of leadership in the discipline of pharmacoepidemiology and be a member in good standing of ISPE, including being current in dues payment. Below are a list of the active ISPE Fellows. For additional people who were awarded the FISPE designation, please click here.

Fellows may refer to themselves in public statements, documents, and resumes as "Fellow of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology", add the letters FISPE after other credentials, and receive appropriate recognition by ISPE. Fellows also must pledge to support the Society's mission, vision and values, serve the Society, including mentoring new members, and contribute to the Society.

Interested in applying? Visit the Become an ISPE Fellow page for details.

John Acquavella
Syed Ahmad
Thamir Alshammari
Kwame Appenteng
Alejandro Arana
Annlouise Assaf
Dorothee Bartels
Gillian Bartlett-Esquilant
Keith Beard
Dimitri Bennett
Anick Berard
Stella Blackburn
Rhonda Bohn
Edward Bortnichak
Jaclyn Bosco
Kimberly Brodovicz
Emily Brouwer
Mehmet Burcu
Bruce Carleton
Gillian Caughey
Kinwei Chan
Robert Chen
Jennifer Christian
Paul Coplan
Deborah Covington
Gerald Dal Pan
Kourtney Davis
Corinne de Vries
Petra Denig
Rachael DiSantostefano
Macarius Donneyong
Susan DosReis
Ian Douglas
Nancy Dreyer
Stanley Edlavitch
Daniel Fife
Jessica Franklin
Lourdes Frau
Andrew Freedman
Joshua Gagne
Helga Gardarsdottir
Nicolle Gatto
Tobias Gerhard
Alicia Gilsenan
Cynthia Girman
Robert Gross
Joanna Haas
Jesper Hallas
Tarek Hammad
Christian Hampp
Abraham Hartzema
Kevin Haynes
Sean Hennessy
Ron Herings
Sonia Hernandez-Diaz
Ken Hornbuckle
Daniel Horton
Krista Huybrechts
Amalia Issa
Masao Iwagami
Solomon Iyasu
Jessica Jalbert
Michele Jonsson Funk
Yea-Huei Kao Yang
Stephen Kimmel
Ursula Kirchmayer
Olaf Klungel
Caitlin Knox
Carol Koro
Kiyoshi Kubota
Edward Chia-Cheng Lai
Stephan Lanes
Kate Lapane
Tamar Lasky
J Bradley Layton
Deborah Layton
Charles Leonard
Hubert Leufkens
Mitchell Levine
Michael Lewis
James Lewis
David Lilienfeld
Geoffrey Liu
Vincent Lo Re
Sandra Lopez Leon
Kevin Lu
Jennifer Lund
Christina Mack
Andrea Margulis
Danica Marinac-Dabic
Frank May
Ann McMahon
David Miller
Eileen Ming
Allen Mitchell
Daniela Moga
Yola Moride
Elaine Morrato
Michael Murray
Hedvig Nordeng
Fredrik Nyberg
Susan Oliveria
Elisabetta Patorno
Sallie-Anne Pearson
Susana Perez-Gutthann
Irene Petersen
Robert Platt
Lisa G. Pont
Anton Pottegard
Nicole Pratt
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Jeremy Rassen
Jennita Reefhuis
Christopher Rentsch
Matthew Reynolds
Robert Reynolds
Mary Beth Ritchey
Donna Rivera
Elena Rivero-Ferrer
Kenneth Rothman
Elizabeth Roughead
Annalisa Rubino
Leyla Sahin
Maribel Salas
Leah Sansbury
Sebastian Schneeweiss
John Seeger
Jodi Segal
Harry Seifert
Soko Setoguchi
Saad Shakir
Susan Sinclair
Ingrid Sketris
Jonathan Slaughter
Meredith Smith
Rachel Sobel
Montse Soriano Gabarro
Michael Steinbuch
Douglas Steinke
Annette Stemhagen
Andy Stergachis
Brian Strom
Miriam Sturkenboom
Til Stürmer
Mina Tadrous
Katja Taxis
Hugh Tilson
Darren Toh
Gianluca Trifirò
Ilse Truter
Marianne Ulcickas Yood
Cristina Varas-Lorenzo
Alexander Walker
Shirley Wang
Douglas Watson
Bjorn Wettermark
Almut Winterstein
Veronika Wirtz
Robert Wise
Jasmanda Wu
Wei Zhou
Julie Zito