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ISPE 2024mym

Slide Presentation Guidelines

Slide Preparation

  • Remember, English is not the first language of many ICPE attendees; keep slides simple.
  • The first slide should give the title of the presentation and list all speakers with affiliation.
  • The second slide should be the ISPE Disclosure slide. ISPE policy requires that all presenters at the conference must disclose financial and other interests of each author/presenter that may pose a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • Select a readable font, such as Calibri or Arial, in which all letters are easily recognizable with minimal confusion; avoid script and italic fonts and very small type (18 point or larger is recommended). Do not use all capitals except for titles.
  • Backgrounds should be consistent and subtle.
  • Dark text on light backgrounds is usually easiest to read.
  • Try to limit each slide to one unified idea.
  • Generally, six (6) words per line and no more than six (6) lines per slide.
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
  • Use color and variety to maintain interest.
  • Use pictures, graphs, charts and figures, but keep them bold, simple and containing only essential details.
  • Spell check your slides.


Presentation Preparation

  • Rehearse your presentation with the slides, give attention to timing. (Oral presentations have a total of 15 minutes; 10 for presentation & 5 for questions.)
  • Do not read from your slides - slides are enhancements to help the audience understand.
  • Give a brief overview first, then present; finally, review important points.
  • Often more effective is to have bulleted points appear one at a time so audience does not read ahead.
  • Speak clearly and slowly. Remember, English is not the first language of many ICPE attendees.

Source: 2016 ISPOR, Information & Services for Presenters, 21st International Meeting